"In 2012, I became passionate about engaging my generation, the next generation in civic responsibility. I noticed that while many people talk about the next generation, few were effectively engaging them from a non-partisan faith-based perspective. Few were challenging them to pull up a seat to the table of national discourse and vote. I also noticed that while some universities have the financial means to invest in voting technology and programs, most do not. This is why I founded Because I Care. I wanted to bring a voting initiative to campus that didn’t endorse a political party but instead focused on the values of our faith, civic engagement and would be free to Christian Universities and Colleges.”

NOLAN MATTER, Executive Director
“When I’m not trekking through Yosemite National Park and hiking Half Dome, or floating down the American River and exploring all the outdoors has to offer in California (my home state), I’m encouraging my generation to use their voice and vote! In 2017, I graduated from UC Davis with a Political Science degree. I’m passionate about civil discourse and public policy engagement. But in a time where things aren’t so civil, can we just agree that Chick-Fil-A is heavenly?”

We use a two-part approach. We engage with university administrations to assist them as they reach every student on campus with our free tools to make voting as straightforward as possible and guide students through the process of registering to vote, requesting their absentee ballots, receiving voting reminders, sample ballots, and locating their polling place.
Additionally, we use a student to student approach to cultivate a culture of civic engagement on campus so that voting is more than a task and becomes an exciting opportunity to make a difference.
Our program is unique because we work with administrators, faculty and students to create one seamless successful civic program specific for your campus. We believe it's crucial for everyone to be involved in the voting effort because each perspective understands a different aspect of the distinct heartbeat of your campus and student life.
Our award-winning technology equips each student to register to vote, vote absentee or make it to a polling location, and access voting information and reminders.
Each school’s administration is asked to support the campaign with campus-wide communications: emails, social media, announcement in chapel etc. Student Leaders are equipped with the physical Because I Care Toolkit with swag and promotional items for campus and connected to a volunteer coordinator to maximize outreach effectiveness on campus.
All of our resources and assistance is free to Christian Universities across the nation. Our hope is that we will inspire and activate the next generation to make a difference with the power of their votes and they will vote not just in one election, but in every election for the rest of their lives.